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Kim “Kimazing” Taylor, Founder and Sole Proprietor of Kimazing Photography, is nothing less than a photographic genius. Born in Slidell, Louisiana, she is loyal to her faith, her family and football (GO SAINTS). Kim's love for the art of photography since her younger years has bolstered her ability to express the human spirit through the magic of her camera lens. Most times, in just a single click of the camera, her clients have come to life in a picture. Not only is she skillfully talented in her approach to create, capture and convey still moments, Kim has an authentic way of bringing imagination to life. Far more than a pastime, Kim finds enormous pleasure in bringing out a variety of emotion in every shot. It is no wonder that she spends hours on end crafting priceless memories that will last a lifetime.

 Kim's art speaks thousands of words without ever being written down. Her focus and drive to positively exploit the human essence in her craft is beyond stellar. She takes her fearless ideas and pours them into her work. Her clients are encouraged and entranced by her abilities, She thrives off of the single clicks, the weight of her tool, the naturalistic emotions that are provided by her clients and the unexpected moments that give her life. 

So, what’s your story?  Whether you can answer that question with ease or you’ve never thought about it, start with this - powerful, dynamic images that compel your audience to know more.


Whether you are looking for images for social media or for print, digital or media outlets, your branding portfolio through Kimazing Photography will be a timeless investment that will remind you - and your audience - of your “why”.



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